Q. What types of projects are eligible for funding?

A. USCGEF funds student-driven projects on campus that improve overall sustainability and awareness at USC. This fund is not primarily available for events, which have other sources of funding on campus, but rather operational and/or long-term projects. Preference will be given to projects that demonstrate the greatest reduction in USC’s negative environmental impacts for the least cost provide the largest cost savings to USC, and/or obtain matching funds from sources other than USCGEF.

Q. What is a project student lead?

A. An undergraduate or graduate student currently attending at USC can serve as the project student lead. This person will be responsible for completing the application, developing a team for project implementation, and ensuring execution. Other students can also be on the team, and we encourage interdisciplinary teams, as most projects will require knowledge from multiple disciplines in order to be implemented. If the project student lead is graduating before the project can be implemented, the application for the project should identify another student that will serve as the lead once the project student lead has graduated.

Q. Do I need to be in a student organization to be eligible for the fund?

A. No. You do not need to be in a recognized student organization to form a team for the fund, but a student organization may be a good place to find other students interested in your project to help with the concept and implementation.

Q. Is it required to have an adviser?

A. Yes, all projects must have a faculty or staff project adviser.

Q. Who are potential collaborators?

A. Potential collaborators are likely USC staff that will help ensure that the project is feasible, will ensure long-term management, and/or are  critical for implementation. We encourage students to look at a project holistically and consider how the project will be sustainable in the long-term and how to ensure longevity beyond the graduation.

Q. What are the deadlines for the program?

A. Please continue to check HERE for the most updated application deadlinesApplicants will likely hear about funding decisions within two weeks of final submission deadline.

Q. How often are funding cycles?

A. Applications will be due each spring and fall semester. If you are interested in a project, applications will be accepted in Fall 2017 for projects implemented during the 2017-2018 academic year. Spring 2018 applications will receive decisions with enough time to begin purchasing in April.